Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Kimon Keramidas

OK, I mentioned the Center for Digital Studies is hiring someone to...well...to be in charge of the Center for Digital Studies. Three people who want the job will visit our campus to meet people and have interviews and stuff. But they will also give talks that everyone can go to. It seems interesting to know who these people are since they will be the ones Directing the Center for Digital Studies, so they’ll be pretty important in all this digital stuff.

The first one to come is named Kimon Keramidas, and his website is here: http://bit.ly/12tjCLj.

You can see he runs the Digital Media Lab at the Bard Graduate Center in NY, which is cool, but then get this: his PhD is in...Theatre! Crazy! And now he does digital stuff? 

And he thinks about games in education! He wrote this http://bit.ly/X5yeOC called “What Games Have to Teach Us About Teaching and Learning: Game Design as a Model for Course and Curricular Development.” Not sure what that means except I want to take his class!

Anyway, anyone who wants can hear him talk on campus when he comes. The schedule I got says he’ll be discussing his vision for the Digital Studies Center. So find out what the digital technology, theatre, and games in class guy want the new Center on our campus to be like! Find out at 2:00pm on Thursday, Feb 14 in the Fine Arts building, Room 110.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Oh, and for the assignment we also have to follow each other's news things and mention them in our own, so here are a couple of other digital journalism thingies that people in my class are doing.

Kevin Queezy: http://bit.ly/U6IRE6 Reporting on news through Twitter...as befits his attention span.
Molly Bang http://bit.ly/YoDUmZ Reporting on something, but only using pictures to do it! Should be pretty cool!

I'll let you know if anyone else bothers to do their homework--I mean, when other people get started. ;)

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Digital News!

Well so here’s what I came up with. Since this whole class is supposed to be digital journalism and digital reading and writing and all that, and it’s supposed to be all the rage and everything, I figured there probably is something in the news about digital stuff that I could follow. Sure enough, I starting googling and found out that Rutgers is actually starting a Center for Digital Studies right here in Camden. I’m not exactly sure what that means but I guess that’s what I’m going to find out.

I do know that they already starting hiring someone to run it. (Apparently, they decide to have a center before they even have someone to be in charge of it, so that’s a little weird.) Here’s the link to job: http://bit.ly/14LNSnP (You have to scroll down a little.)

I figure I’ll try to find out who is putting this Center together and maybe interview them about it or something. Like find out what they’re going to do and all that. 

So look at that! Digital news in digital news! This is easier than I thought!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

First Post

Well, hi everyone! Welcome to my new blog. I’m basically doing this for an assignment. I’m a journalism major at Rutgers and I’m this course on Digital Journalism. We have to pick  a topic and blog about it, I guess sort of cover a news story but in a digital way instead of on old fashion paper. And so this blog is supposed to be both newsy and, well, bloggy. SO here goes...

Like I said, I’m doing this for an assignment. I should probably explain, though, I’m calling this “The Rabbit Hole” because my name is Rebecca but when I was little, my little brother Dave couldn’t pronounce Rebecca and when he tried it kept coming out as “Rabbit.” Well it just stuck and ever since then my family has called me Rabbit. Now some of my friends call me that too! And so basically this is where Rabbit hangs out: The Rabbit Hole!

Right now I’m just figuring out this blogger thingie. Pretty cool that you can do this for free. I hope I think of something to say. I’m going to try to figure out what news story I want to cover in this thing but for now just wanted to get it set up. So watch this space for...whatever! I don’t even know!